01 Software
XMolGen revolutionizes molecular generation with AI & big data
XMolgen combines AI and big data to accelerate molecular generation and virtual screening. Tapping the unexplored chemical space. For Real.
AI & Big Data Driven compound generation
XMolGen leverages AI and big data to generate compounds ready for virtual docking and FEP calculations. Explore new chemical spaces with synthesizable compounds from a commercial building block library.
The platform’s accurate in-silico predictions streamline molecular generation and screening, preparing top compounds for XFEP and precise FEP calculations.
Key features
AI-Driven & Big data-based compound generation
Combines advanced AI algorithms with extensive chemical libraries to create novel molecular designs.
Commercial building-block library
Access to an extensive collection of commercial building blocks for efficient molecular design.
Synthesizability assessment
Evaluates the feasibility of synthesizing new compounds to streamline the development process.
Enhanced chemical space exploration
Expands the range of chemical possibilities with increased efficiency and precision.
In-silico prediction of drug-like properties
Provides predictions for drug-like properties, aiding in the selection of viable candidates.
Molecular generation, Library generation & Virtual screening